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VEIN (New Zombie Survival Demo)

   (1 review)

4 Screenshots

About This Project

Vein is currently a free demo that you can download and play. A couple previous developers from the game Dead Matter decided to throw their hat into the zombie survival ring and create their own game. Right now, there's not a lot we know about it, other than it's going to be a multiplayer first person survival game where you can loot almost everything for something you need to survive. The demo is barebones now but wow - it could be something special. Keep your eye on this one and expect this page to be updated.



What's New in Version 09/02/2022 05:26 PM   See changelog


Game has been moved to Steam


User Feedback




I'm giving this game a 5 star due to the simple fact that even as a bare bones demo its already amazing i hope the creators put the pedal to the metal and get this game up into beta soon this could be one of those games that blows up into something huge. i cant wait for a story line and some side missions

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