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Found 9 results

  1. 585 downloads

    Grab the Mod here - Realistic body cam mod https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/2634
  2. 404 downloads

    A modded map for Insurgency: Sandstorm that reminds me of the old-school Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare missions. A larger more open map in Sandstorm but was a lot of fun!
  3. 888 downloads

    This is a mod for the original Call of Duty 4 (2007) that adds a completely unique and alternate single-player campaign. Using custom assets from several games in the Call of Duty franchise, the modder, SPi, took the time to make a 2 hour story-driven campaign. It took him about 9 years to finish it completely. And it's certainly a quality campaign for someone doing nearly everything themselves! 10/10 score from me. TROUBLESHOOTING: Join his discord: https://discord.gg/4mJxJ4b3mJ Full campaign and his YouTube channel:
  4. 2,778 downloads

    Reality Mod Discord: https://discord.gg/realitymod This is Venice Unleashed, the platform used to play Battlefield 3: Reality Mod. If you want to know what the Reality Mod is, well..it's Project Reality 2 but on an updated platform. The game aims to provide a milsim-lite experience (a bit more casual than squad) with large, custom battlefields modified from the original BF3 maps. It's going to be available to the public July 17 2022 into a very early build but will continue to be modified and upgraded over the coming months. It aims to have a large-scale battle of 100+ players with vehicles, airstrikes, and good ole fashioned infantry. Get your gaming on. Here's the Reality Mod Roadmap/Website, but it runs on Venice Unleashed: https://bf3reality.com YOU MUST HAVE A LEGAL VERSION OF BF3 PREMIUM INSTALLED FOR THIS TO BE PLAYABLE
  5. 5,543 downloads

    This mod is attempting to revive the Modern Warfare Remastered PVP scene. Though you have to own the game, it allows for a fairly simple install to give you that feeling you had back in 2007 when you were pwning noobs until 2AM and disparaging a random gamer's mother. They've got the install instructions on the site (which this links to) so you can either set up your own server or play on others with custom rules. And you can unlock everything. Have fun!
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is a mod created by Gman228 linked over to the OHD official site for download. Definitely a WIP, but really cool what he's made so far!
  7. 283 downloads

    A great place for killing bad guys
  8. 281 downloads

    Terminal is a medium sized map with the action broken into two major areas — inside the terminal and the exterior airport apron; a parking area for grounded planes. Inside the terminal, the northeast acts as a lobby leading up escalators to the dining room. Players can climb a ladder here for a vantage point over the lobby and out onto the maintenance room just outside. Expect a lot of fighting between the lobby and the dining room and watch for snipers shooting from the rear diner vents. From the dining room players can wrap around to the main departure hall and security or head down the departure walkway. The middle bookstore connects the two pathways and often sees fighting erupt between players traversing between the areas. From the walkway mind the view out to the plane and tarmac (apron), as well as up to maintenance. The main departure hall is another hot zone, as its fed into from the dining room, walkway, and the plane. The plane itself squeezes you into close quarters with an exit out the side and down in the back. Use caution on the exterior apron, where players can get views from the plane, the maintenance room, the walkway, and down on the floor level, too. Navigate around the large scattered crates to minimize your exposure to enemy fire, or move under the stairwell and the plane, where you’re not sticking out in the open.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    The land down under is a dangerous place - and this makes it even more so. An incredible looking mod with a little cover and a lot of DAYNJA DAYNJA DAYNJA. Map Author: k24uk
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