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Tactigamer - Home of the Best FPS Games

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About This Project

Alright gamers, this new project is looking to be something really cool. While it's only currently in VERY early stages, it's got a fantastic foundation, and they're doing things right. This is an extraction shooter but it's not the typical extraction shooter - it's more like a "capture the flag" style of extraction shooter. There are a lot of great mechanics, which you'll see in the video down below, that makes it a fresh new take on the genre. 

It's currently VERY early in development, as you'll see by the video, but it's got some great things going for it. The general gameplay loop is as follows:

1. Set up your loadout/perks in the social lobby section of the game, as well as compete in various mini games in this social arena

2. Load into a map with 4 total teams of 3 and compete for resources

3. Kill enemy alien AI and gather resources and equipment from them before heading into battle (optional)

4. Head to one of several resource points to collect a resource to extract

5. Once you grab a resource, an enemy team will be pinged of your location and attempt to steal the resource

6. Fend them off, extract the resource, and either extract or remain in the map for extra resources

7. Upon extraction, use the rewards in the social lobby to improve equipment, perks, and progress your character

8. Repeat


Ascendant is a social FPS PvP extraction shooter where multiple teams fight over limited resources in an ever changing map where no two games are the same. Join our Discord at the link below and wishlist the game to be part of our next playtest and see if you have what it takes

Discord link: https://discord.gg/KUXk6TuDbX




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